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International Dublin Literary Award 2019

13.06.2019, 16:40 Uhr

Der International Dublin Literary Award hieß früher einmal "International IMPAC Dublin Award" und wird seit 1996 vergeben. Die Nominierungen werden weltweit von Bibliotheken zusammengestellt und sollen "excellence in world literature" prämieren.

Der mit 100 000 Euro dotierte Preis geht in diesem Jahr an die amerikanische Schriftstellerin Emily Ruskovich für ihren Debüt-Roman Idaho.

Die Jury zu Ihrer Entscheidung: "At the heart of Emily Ruskovich's haunting debut is the inexplicable. A young couple, Jenny and Wade, move from the prairies to the utter loneliness and unexpected isolation of the Northern Idaho mountains where they carelessly bought a piece of wooded land on a steep mountainside. [...] Then, all of a sudden, in a brutal flash, with no warning, their happiness and their love are destroyed forever.

Ruskovich's masterful achievement is to narrate with consummate skill the complex series of events covering a time-span of more than fifty years. Empathy and love stand next to cruelty and crime. [...] Ultimately, Idaho evolves into a masterpiece on the redeeming and regenerative potential of music, poetry, literature and art."

A Novel
€ 13,50
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