The Desmond Elliott Prize 2022
04.07.2022, 11:25 Uhr
Die britische Autorin Maddie Mortimer erhält in diesem Jahr den Desmond Elliott Prize, der für Werke neuer Autoren verliehen wird.
Der Vorsitzende der Jury, Derek Owusu: "This is a book full of poetry and wonder, interior and exterior examination, sadness, though without the pessimism that sometimes accompanies it, love, and through all things, hope. You'll re-read passages like pulling a song back to its start, wanting to evoke and experience those chills, or be enlightened again and again. Though not easy to choose a winner - we went back and forth for days after the decision was due - when we finally came to an agreement, we felt confident that we would be assisting with, and bearing witness to, the launching of a new and spectacular talent."