This volume embarks on an exploration of the processual and dynamic character of grammatical constructions in emergence, both from an emergent and an emerging perspective. Emerging constructions develop out of their discourse contexts. Talking of emerging constructions is compatible with a view of grammar as a stable system of rules and structures which may emerge (i.e., come into existence) out of a pool of previously unordered elements. Emergent constructions on the contrary are due to the on-line production of grammar in time. The term emergent emphasises the fact that a grammatical structure is always temporary and ephemeral. In both senses, grammar is modelled as a highly adaptive resource for interaction. On the basis of empirical studies on spoken English, German, Hebrew, Swedish and French, the volume addresses the following questions: How can what initially appears to be construction x end up being construction y in on-line syntax? What are the local interactional needs which such processes respond to in the process of their emergence? Does the on-line (re-)modelling of a construction concern its syntactic or semantic side or both? And finally: Should emergent grammatical structures as they unfold in real time be seen as stages in the emerging of grammar?
The linguae & litterae series, edited by Peter Auer, Gesa von Essen and Werner Frick, documents the research activities of the School of Language and Literature of the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS). These research activities in literary studies and linguistics are characterized by an approach that is theoretically and methodologically “state of the art” and interdisciplinarily open. In linguistics the accent is on the corpus-based, quantitative and qualitative investigation of language; in literary studies the focus is on the comparative, transdisciplinary analysis of literary phenomena in their cultural contexts. At the same time the series deals with the productive interfaces and synergies between modern linguistics and literary studies (as well as the humanities, social and natural sciences with which they interact). It seeks a new, contemporary reformulation of the humanities research curriculum and its problem and concept orientation for the future. The series has a clear international orientation - each volume is multilingual, containing German, English and French contributions and, depending on the volume, articles in Italian or Spanish as well. Each individual volume is peer reviewed by an international editorial board. Each year 2-4 volumes are published.
- Peter Auer and Stefan Pfänder, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany.
Constructions: emerging and emergent
linguae et litterae, linguae & litterae 6
ISBN/EAN: 9783110229073
Umbreit-Nr.: 994620
Umfang: VI, 331 S.
Format in cm:
gebundenes Buch
Erschienen am 29.08.2011
Auflage: 1/2011